Safe. Free. Confidential.
The Sexual Assault Care Centre (SACC) at AWARE provides free services to those who have experienced sexual assault, helping them deal with their experiences and make decisions about their next steps.
Sexual assault (including rape) can be highly traumatic. It can take a long time to recover after such a crime. If you have been a victim of sexual assault, please know that it is not your fault.
Recovering can take time and courage, but no one has to go through this experience alone. We work to create a supportive environment, and to provide a safe place to seek help.
All calls to and cases at the SACC are kept strictly confidential.
Background of SACC
The Sexual Assault Care Centre (SACC) was launched in May 2014. The Centre grew from the Sexual Assault Befrienders Service, AWARE’s earlier service for sexual assault survivors, started in 2011. Over 20 years of calls to our helpline for women showed us the need for a specialised service providing holistic support for sexual assault victims in Singapore.