
MediaCorp Artiste Zoe Tay and popular actor/comedian Judee Tan speak up in support of AWARE’s Sexual Assault Care Centre (SACC) in two striking videos released online today.  These are the first of several planned video releases accompanying a newly launched crowdfunding campaign.Zoe

“Sexual assault can happen to anyone,” Zoe Tay tells viewers.  “But no one should have to suffer in silence.”  The video featuring Ms Tay is titled “The Journey: voices of survivors” and it also presents, through voiceovers, the powerful testimonies of several SACC clients.  These brave women speak about their experiences of sexual assault and the role that supportive services have played in their recovery.

“I really believe that if I had some help then [ten years ago], maybe I would recovered sooner,” one client states.  “Maybe I still wouldn’t be battling it ten years on.”

Actor/comedian Judee Tan is working with SACC because of her personal experience with physical and sexual abuse.

“It was a very dark and depressing period of my life,” she says.  “And at that time I felt there was no way I could get out of it.  But I did, and that is why I am here today, working with AWARE’s SACC to share this message of hope.”

“With support,” she says on the video, “victims can be survivors.”Screen Shot 2014-08-25 at 2.29.04 pm

SACC, launched in May, is Singapore’s first and only specialist service supporting women who face sexual assault.  It grows out of AWARE’s Sexual Assault Befrienders Service (SABS), which was launched in 2011.  Expanding on the previous work of SABS, SACC features a drop-in centre, with an on-site social worker who can assist clients immediately, even if they walk in without an appointment (open Mon-Fri, 10am to 7pm).

Through its drop-in centre, helpline (6779 0282) and email support (, SACC provides free legal advice by an experienced lawyer, therapeutic counselling by specialists and ‘befriender’ services – where a trained befriender accompanies clients to the police station, hospital or court, providing support through processes which can often be difficult and intimidating.

“In 2013, 192 women contacted SABS – a 45% jump from the year before,” says Corinna Lim, AWARE’s Executive Director.  “This year we have already heard from 124 women, and the demand shows no sign of slowing.  We urgently need donations to refurbish our drop-in centre and continue providing our safe, free and confidential services.”

The crowdfunding campaign – a first for AWARE – is hosted on crowdfunding platform Causevox.  The organisation seeks to raise $30,000 from the public with a six-week campaign ending on 10 October.  Further video releases are planned, including a Chinese-language video also featuring Zoe Tay.

The campaign is launching on the same day as the Crystal Ball, AWARE’s annual fundraising gala.  This evening’s event at the Regent Hotel will also see the announcement of the winners of the annual AWARE awards, honouring individuals and groups who have promoted gender equality in Singapore.

The campaign video has been produced thanks to the kind support of Abundant Productions, Pangolin Films, Jasmine Ng and a team of volunteer illustrators.